East Riding of Yorkshire Council are to cut £240,000 from the concessionary bus travel scheme, with two further years of cuts expected totalling £750,000. EYMS Chairman Peter Shipp says that while he hopes not to cut any routes entirely, evening, Sunday and off peak journeys will have to be reviewed, and fare rises may be necessary.
See this Driffield Times and Post article for the full story.
Andover’s DRT gets soft launched
Tuesday 11th March 2025 The latest addition to the DRT scene ‘soft
launched’ last week. Funded by Hampshire County Council’s Bus Service
Improvement Plan t...
1 day ago
I think its time to end the English scheme, If Councils continues this awful cost cutting.
Get rid of this scheme and go back to pensioners paying half fare.
Why do we need a scheme which has seen service cuts all over the country.
Can you imagine what would happen if the goverment said to Tesco you will give all your food to pensioners totally free, but we will only pay you a token amount.
Tesco would do one of two things, go bust, or close stores.
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