Friday 26 February 2010

New EYMS X55?

From VOSA today:

  • Registration Accepted
  • Starting Point: Hull Interchange
  • Finish Point: Gilberdyke, Village
  • Via:
  • Service Number: X55
  • Service Type: Normal Stopping
  • Effective Date: 26-APR-2010
  • Other Details: Mondays to Fridays.

Just guessing but a new peak time express service?

EYMS take on Goole Town Service 8th March

A bit later than originally posted, EYMS have confirmed they will takeover the Goole Town Service from First South Yorkshire starting Monday 8th March. The only major change will be a diversion of the peak time services via Capitol Park.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

North Lincolnshire Bus Cuts: Council Position

Apologies for only posting this now - I have only come across this today. On 12th January North Lincolnshire Council made a statement regarding Stagecoach cuts to bus services in North Lincolnshire. Stagecoach have said this is due to reduced concessionary fare payments from the Council that will cause losses of £75,000 compared to last year.

The council say this cut is based on recommendations from independent consultants, who used data from Stagecoach in their work. In the January statement North Lincolnshire Council were standing by their decision believing their proposed rate should not leave Stagecoach worse off.

The North Lincolnshire Council statement also states that Stagecoach have an issue with the reimbursement rate in North East Lincolnshire, something that I have not posted on this blog before.

North Lincolnshire Council also said they were in talks with other operators and "will be doing all we can to keep the services running or find alternatives".

As a final side note though, North Lincolnshire Council are still referring to the Grimsby to Barton service as the 250, despite the fact it became the 45B last year.

Stagecoach Grimsby Area Changes April 2010

There are various entries on the VOSA website indicating changes in the Grimsby area from Stagecoach on April 5th. I have summarised these below, but I would advise caution until any officially announcement is made from Stagecoach about changes:

Services 25 (Grimsby-Ludford)/51 (Grimsby-Louth)/366 (Goxhill-Brigg/Scunthorpe) have been re-registered from the Lincolnshire RoadCar license to the Grimsby Cleethorpes license.

Changes will be made to Grimsby/Cleethorpes local services 7, 9, 13, 14 and 16.

An application has been made to cancel one license for service 45 between Grimsby and Barton, and the vary another between Grimsby and South Killingholme. This may link into unconfirmed reports from an anonymous commenter that Stagecoach will cease the 45B and 45H. If this happens, it would remove the link between Barton and Immingham, and the villages in between, and it would be highly likely North Lincolnshire Council would have to fund a replacement.

Talking of North Lincolnshire Council, in today's VOSA entries Stagecoach have cancelled tendered services 10, 327 and 450 as threatened to do so last month. The date for withdrawal has been moved from 29th March to 5th April if the VOSA entries are correct.

And a potentially concerning development with regards to the Humber Flyer; the section between Humberside Airport and Cleethorpes has been cancelled, but an application has been made to vary a service I didn't even know about, numbered service 1, between Grimsby and Keelby.

Finally not in the Grimsby area, but changes to the 909 between Brigg, Scunthorpe and Doncaster are also planned.

Most service 28 journeys to operate via Hull City Centre Loop

From Monday 28th February, Stagecoach in Hull will divert most inbound service 28's from Bransholme, Sutton Park and Beverley Road to operate via Princes Quay instead of Brook Street in the City Centre. Buses will continue to operate via Brook Street for part of the afternoon. This means the 28 has the same city centre route as most other local services from Beverley Road.

This has been a much requested route change, though at the October 2009 Hull Bus Forum, it was stated that at the time Stagecoach where not prepared to make the diversion until they had received comments from Councillor Carl Minns (Leader, Hull Cuty Council) about a bus priority scheme. So I presume progress has been made on such a scheme?

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Stagecoach reroute 110

In a correction to a previous post, the 109 around Cottingham will cease after operation on Saturday. Instead from Monday 8th February, Stagecoach shall re-route hourly service 110 to act as a partial replacement thanks to funding from East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Based on the timetable released, It shall now serve New Village Road and St Margaret's Avenue in Cottingham. Cottingham Rail Station shall now also be served, to replace changes to service 154.

Again seems like a sensible change to replace the 109. Also I wonder if EYMS will continue to two-hourly service 60 via New Village Road, now the 110 will provide an hourly link into Hull? Could be an opportunity to simplify the 60/60A/61/62/64 group of services?

Stagecoach takeover 41

From Monday 8th February Stagecoach will takeover service 41 (Hull-Greatfield), currently operated by EYMS. It's future was under doubt after EYMS planned to withdraw it.

The new 41 will follow the same route around Greatfield as the 42, but continuing to serve the Newbridge Road area rather than Holderness Road shops. The 42 shall be reduced in frequency Monday to Saturday daytimes. Currently it operates every 12 minutes on weekdays and every 15 minutes on Saturdays, but from the 8th it shall operate every 20 minutes on weekdays and every 30 minutes on Saturdays.

The 41 shall have the same frequency, and on sections of the route shared with service 42, weekdays shall see an extra bus every hour - Saturdays maintain the current frequency on common sections of route. This means a slight reduction in Saturday frequency on the 41 from EYMS's 20 minute service to Stagecoach's half hourly but I can't see this being a huge issue.

These changes do not require any extra vehicles from Stagecoach and seem a sensible solution to maintain daytime buses for Newbridge Road.

Posted edited 3rd February