Sunday, 12 December 2021

No more service 4 to Foxhills

On Monday 27th September Hornsby Travel amended their service 4 between Brigg, Broughton, Lakeside, Ashby and Scunthorpe. The main change arguably was the removal of the extension of certain journeys to Foxhills Industrial Estate, north of Scunthorpe - they had operated early morning Monday to Saturday, early afternoon Monday to Friday, late afternoon Saturday and in the evening peak and late evening Monday to Friday, to suit the needs of commuters.

Looking in more detail at the timetable and the Monday to Friday 0500 from Lakeside to Foxhills Industrial Estate has been withdrawn entirely, not just north of Scunthorpe Bus Station, there are however new 0615 Ashby to Brigg and 0630 Ashby to Scunthorpe journeys Monday to Friday. Journey times throughout the day are amended, with the overall Monday to Saturday daytime frequency remaining hourly. 

In the early evening Monday to Saturday, the service is improved, with the 1830 from Scunthorpe to Brigg replaced by 1845 and 2000 departures, plus a 2115 'short' from Scunthorpe to Ashby. In the opposite direction the 1910 from Brigg to Ashby is replaced by 1925 and 2040 departures from Brigg to Scunthorpe. However the residual late evening service Monday to Friday of a 2100 Lakeside to Foxhills Industrial Estate departure and 2215 return has been withdrawn entirely.

Also off note is that college day only service 13 between Scunthorpe Bus Station, Scunthorpe Station, Scunthorpe Hospital (Church Lane), Scunthorpe Colleges (North Lindsey and John Leggott), Ashby and Lakeside has been replaced by service 4c. In the morning the 4c is a service 4 journey from Brigg which diverts via Scunthorpe's Colleges, whilst in the evening there is a 'standalone' 1605 4c from Scunthorpe to Lakeside via Scunthorpe Station as well as the Colleges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, if you want Foxhills Industrial Estate you've got to walk from the nearest 350 bus stop around half to three quaters of a mile away over a busy road. Not great in poor weather, never mind bad weather or when it's too hot. Yes there is a 60, but that's just 2 journeys each way and not at great times for say an 08.30 start.