Saturday, 29 October 2022

Service 277 Morning Reductions (but done with some thought)

On Monday 5th September, East Yorkshire revised their service 277 between Hedon, Preston, Sproatley, Bilton and Hull. It's a reduced service in the mornings, but some care has been taken to minimise the impact for commuters into Hull City Centre.

The morning peak 0720 departure from Hedon to Hull was replaced by a 0652 (Mon-Fri)/0705 (Sat) Hedon to Asda Bilton, from where the service continues as a 57 into Hull City Centre. Journey times are increased due to the 57's slightly less direct route, but if the 277 can't justify a dedicated morning peak bus, then this arrangement is the next best thing. 

Withdrawn entirely was the Monday to Friday only 0855 from Hull to Hedon, which means the first arrival into Hedon from Bilton and Sproatley is at 1110 rather than 0940. Preston does have an 0927 arrival on route 78. 

Most other 277 journeys were also retimed.

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