East Yorkshire withdrew the Sunday to Thursday evening service on route 121 (Hull-Beverley-Leconfield-Driffield-Nafferton-Bridlington) between Leconfield and Nafferton from Sunday 4th September, stating this was due to "very low levels of usage". Friday and Saturday evening services are unaffected. Northern Rail do offer an alternative though for the three largest settlements impacted - Hutton Cranswick, Driffield and Nafferton - which are the only settlements of any notable size on the section of route concerned.
In detail this means the 1935 and 2135 from Hull to Nafferton have been truncated at Leconfield Sunday to Thursday, with the last bus from Hull now at 1730 5 days a week. In the opposite direction, the 2051 from Nafferton to Hull has been withdrawn between Nafferton and Beverley Monday to Thursday and entirely on Sundays, whilst the 2251 from Nafferton to Beverley has been withdrawn Sunday to Thursday.
On the plus side a new 1835 from Hull Paragon Interchange to Beverley has been added Monday to Saturday, as have 2030 and 2230 journeys from Beverley to Hull on Sundays. Away from the evenings and the 0653(Mon-Fri)/0703(Sat) Driffield to Hull now start in Nafferton, whilst all weekend afternoon journeys now serve the Hull City Centre loop inbound (remains omitted on weekday afternoons).
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