Friday, 6 September 2013

Stagecoach Scunthorpe October Changes

Stagecoach are revising three Scunthorpe town service routes from Monday 28th October, plus launching a new route 40 between the town centre, West Common Lane (John Leggott College) and Gallagher Retail Park (home to Tesco amongst other stores, and in the future a new Marks and Spencer will be located opposite).

From VOSA:

Variation Accepted: Operating between Scunthorpe Bus Station and Skippingdale Retail Park given service number 37 effective from 28-Oct-2013. To amend Timetable.

Variation Accepted: Operating between Scunthorpe Bus Station and Old Crosby given service number 38 effective from 28-Oct-2013. To amend Timetable.

Variation Accepted: Operating between Scuntorpe Bus Station and Valley Veiw Drive given service number 11 effective from 28-Oct-2013. To amend Timetable.

  • Registration Accepted
  • Starting Point: Scunthorpe Bus Station
  • Finish Point: Gallagher Retail Park
  • Via:
  • Service Number: 40
  • Service Type: Normal Stopping
  • Effective Date: 28-OCT-2013
  • Other Details: A new off peak half hourly service between Scunthorpe Bus Station, West Common Lane and Gallagher Retail Park. Hail & Ride will operate where traffic and safety conditions allow.


Anonymous said...

The new 40 sounds like a further layer of complication to an already complex network of infrequent buses that make up Scunthorpe town network.

Although there is some demand for travel to Tesco from Westcliff, a better way to start would be extending the 37 an extra 200yards along Doncaster Road to Tesco, then if the market is there, then look at starting new routes. The Westcliff-Tesco was well used back in the days of the 341 which ran every 20 minutes up to about 2005 - but when this was replaced by an hourly service (10/11s) in around 2005 - passengers stopped using the service, and it only lasted about a year - and that service had the added bonus of linking Froddingham, Lakeside, Brumby, Ashby and Westcliff to Tesco. So I really don't think a Tesco-Westcliff-Scunthorpe service will last very long. Would like to be prooved wrong though!

Anonymous said...

I would love to know why stagecoach are not going after the workers who work in the area!

What the first poster made not released is but this new 40 may infact provide a faster service to the town centre, which may have an knock on effect on the 31/32. We may even see the 40 every 20mins with the 31/32 revised to every 30mins during the day.

Maybe stagecoach are trying to overhaul the network at a slow trail? It does not help Hornsby also has its finger in the town services pie....

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling the No40 will depart the bus station at 15 and 45mins past each hour.

Also will it miss out Bolsover Road

Anonymous said...

NnotWhatever the eventual plan with this, its certainly a new approach. Most service changes in Scunthorpe, including the full network re-casts of 2003 and 2005, have focused on keeping the same key route corridors, but with varying numbers and final destinations.

Assuming this combines with the 10/33/4, and is timetabled to give a 15 minute Westcliff service to town, and the new 40 served Lodge Moor on its way to Tesco - Would there be much need for the 31/2 to even exist on the western side of the town? Doncaster Road still has the 35/7 and various other out of town services, the only real loss would be the link to the Hospital.

David Barrett said...

Why not just reinstate the Circular on a seven days per week basis? Following a route similar to but slightly longer than the 300/301 routes as introduced in 1978: Scunthorpe-Byrd Road-Lakeside-Ashby (High Street/Bottesford Road,close to Broadway)-Bottesford (Chancel Road/Messingham Road)-Low Leys-Riddings-Westcliff-Lodge Moors- Gallagher Park-Hospital-Scunthorpe would serve a substantial part of the town's residential districts and connect them with the Town Centre, Ashby, each other and the two principal out of town shopping areas.
Another idea that I toyed with is a smaller Circular linking the Town Centre/Crosby/Berkeley districts with The Skippingdale and Galagher park outlets but continuing beyond the Town Centre to serve Ashby/Bottesford/Riddings/Westcliff etc. In effect a combined circular and cross town operation.
The whole town system has become a rag bag of disperate and often infrequent services ripe for a shake up and the injection of some sort of coherence.

Anonymous said...

pr another easier way - divert the 31/32 to serve Tesco. This new service required a PVR of 2. It would also increase the PVR of the 31/32 by 2 to serve Tesco, so the effect would be minimal, and provide a more frequent service, and also link Tesco to much more of the town (At the expense of slightly extended journey times for a few estates along the way though!

Anonymous said...

Problem with Low Leys-Riddings demand is not around for a 20min service each way, on top of that it would make the serice rather long to get to Ashby and the Town centre. I wonder if the locals would rather go to lakeside?

If service 31/32 did go via Tesco is should only require one addition bus.

Anonymous said...

Timetable/Map finally appeared on Traveline today. Route is same as 33/4 and 10 to Westcliff, via Brumby Corner, Colleges, Plymouth Road and Bristol Road. It then operates to Lichfield Avenue, and then straight along scotter bottom to Tesco (Missing Bolsover Road). Runs every 30 minutes from 9am to 4pm Mon-Fri, and 8am to 6pm Saturdays, and also during college holidays - which seems ironic as it passes the colleges! Will mean a 15 minute service Westcliff - TOwn via Brumby corner. Nail in the coffin of the 31/2?

Anonymous said...

I did say it would operate at 15 and 45min past the hour. I agree its strange that during the college holidays buses start at 07.15.

During Collage days there is big gap between 14.42 - 18.12, whats the point, 31/32 is save for now.

Humber Transport said...

Seems to me like the 40 is being started without any PVR increase, and on college days the vehicles needed are on college services at 0715/between 1442 and 1812

Sensible low risk approach to start, or doomed to failure?

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt this will lead to many more bus journeys - more than likely just spread the Westcliff passengers over more buses. Although I am sure the Tesco link will be used, that on its own is not enough to make this new route sustainable IMHO. Praise to stagecoach for trying something new though - Hope im proved wrong in a few months.

IMO, a better way of doing things might be:

31/32 - Reduced to Hourly each way (30 minutes to riddings). Riddings still has 12. Extend to Tesco, to make large town loop - much like the old 334/5, but missing High Leys.

33/34 - Diverted to run into town via Open Hearth via current 31/2 route to make 30 minute frequency on this corridor (or 20 minutes if it could be timed to fit with the 10?). Would leave Lincoln Gdns with just the 12, but 33/4 and 12 run at the same time anyway.

37 - Re-time to run between the 31/2 along Doncaster Road to keep a 30 minute frequency. Perhaps run via Tesco and perhaps combine with the 38 to make a large circular route around the North of the town - Simular to the old 346/7 routes, and later Shuttle 7/8.

40 - Diverted to serve Lodge Moor to replace 31/2.