From this coming weekend Stagecoach in Hull are making significant changes to their nightbus network in Hull.
Almost all Friday services are withdrawn. There wil no longer be any nightbuses on services N15, N32 or N43 on Friday nights (early hours Saturday morning). On the N2 and N51 only the 0000 and 0100 departures from Ferensway shall remain, with the 0200 and 0300 withdrawn. Return services from Hessle on the N2 are apparently unaffected - the service 2 timetable still includes an 0225 from Hessle despite the 0200 from Ferensway being cancelled.
On Saturdays the N2 and N51 are unaltered but the N15 will now start at Witham and operate via George Street (opposite direction compared to present) before joining the current route via Carr Lane and Ferensway in the City Centre. Wilberforce Drive and Alfred Gelder Street will no longer be served. Neither will Kingswood, with services curtailed to Orchard Park.
Both the N32 and N43 shall now start at Hull University's Asylum nightclub (except the first journey on each service) with the N32 operating via Newland Avenue and Queens Road to join the current route at the Welly Club, while the N43 shall operate via Cottingham Road and Beverley Road. In Hull City Centre both services shall now operate via Ferensway, Castle Street, Lowgate and Alfred Gelder Street before rejoining their current routes on George Street; currently they operate direct via Prospect Street between Ferensway and George Street. The N43 also increases from 3 to 4 journeys.
Finally something that may or may not be new, a Wednesday night N15 from Hull University Asylum to Lowgate in the City Centre. This operates via Princes Avenue (daytime 15 route) rather than Beverley Road (Saturday N15 route).
46 555s for Metro
Thursday 13th March 2025 The long awaited smart new Class 555 trains for
the Tyne & Wear Metro are slowly entering service and I was fortunate to
have a gu...
5 hours ago
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