Sunday, 9 April 2023

Improved service between Hornsea and Bridlington

East Yorkshire introduced some small but welcome improvements to daily service 130 between Hornsea and Bridlington last Monday (3rd April).

Firstly a new 0815 from Bridlington to Hornsea (arriving 0920) has been introduced at weekends and on weekdays during school holidays. Whilst this is probably just a positioning journey being run 'in-service', it does make morning or full day trips into Hornsea possible - previous first arrival into Hornsea was at 1150.  

Secondly the weekend 1230 from Hornsea and 1345 from Bridlington - now retimed to 1445 - are no longer 'dated' services operating between July and September only, so are presumably now year round journeys. The 1230 is useful for those returning from morning trips into Hornsea, or looking to make afternoon trips to Bridlington. Meanwhile the 1445 gives the option of spending 4 hours 10 minutes in Bridlington rather than 6 hours 40 minutes, which was the previous requirement from October to June. 

Lets hope these extra journeys are a success.

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