Sunday, 26 September 2021

East Riding Operator Changes

Various services in the East Riding of Yorkshire changed operators week commencing Monday 6th September, following tendering by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

The following services passed from York Pullman to East Yorkshire:

  • 195: Allerthorpe to Pocklington - Tuesday Only, 1 journey in each direction (Pocklington shoppers service)
  • 196: Aughton to York - Thursday Only, 1 journey in each direction (York shoppers service)
  • 199: Huggate to Pocklington - Tuesday Only, 1 journey in each direction (Pocklington shoppers service)

The following service passed from Stagecoach to East Yorkshire:

  • 242: Hedon to Beverley - Monday to Saturday, 1 journey in each direction (primarily a Beverley shoppers service)

The following services passed from East Yorkshire to Stagecoach:

  • 79: Hull to Hedon - The 0700 and 1600 journeys from Hull to Hedon and the 0739 (previously 0740) from Hedon to Hull Monday to Friday Only. Remaining journeys remain operated by East Yorkshire, however the Saturday 0700 from Hull and 0740 from Hedon have been withdrawn (the Saturday 1600 from Hull remains and is still operated by East Yorkshire but retimed to 1550).
  • 173: Withernsea to Hull - Saturday Only, 1 journey in each direction (Hull shoppers service)
  • 277: Hull to Hedon - The 1644 (retimed from 1639) from Hedon to Hull Monday to Friday Only (on Saturdays East Yorkshire continue to operate a similar timed service, departing Hedon at 1629). All other journeys also continue to be operated by East Yorkshire.

The following service passed from East Yorkshire to Acklams Coaches:

  • 180: Beverley to Cottingham - Monday to Saturday, approximately every 90 minutes
Probably as a result of the 242 passing to East Yorkshire, Stagecoach have also withdrawn the 123 from Beverley to Bransholme North Point Shopping Centre via Kingswood Retail Park. This also operated once daily Monday to Saturday and the primary purpose appeared to be to get the 242 vehicle and driver back to Hull rather than wait in Beverley for the return 242 journey - however in the process of doing that, it did offer a Kingswood shoppers service and also extended to Wilberforce College for 'half-day' students during college term times.

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