Saturday, 15 March 2025

How Hull proposes to spend Bus Service Improvement Plan Funding

The March 13th meeting of Hull City Council's Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission included a report detailing how Hull City Council is proposing to spend it's Bus Service Improvement Plan funding for 2025-2026. Some interesting proposals, especially items 4, 5 and 6.

1. Continuation of frequency Enhancements 

This will see a continuation of the financial support to the bus operators of a minimum 10-minute frequency on all key routes, Anlaby Road, Holderness Road, Beverley Road, and Spring Bank West.  

2. Continuation of Connective Services 

To continue the service links to Castle Hill, Beverley Town Centre, Chamberlain Road. 

3. Continuation of the Marfleet Community Bus

Revenue To continue the service with East Hull Community Transport, providing a community link 3 days per week. 

4. New service to provide a transport link to Clough Road 

Proposal to link with service 8, operating an 8C via Clough Road.  The importance of doing the circular with the 8 would be to increase the locations that Clough Road would be linked too, such as Bransholm, Sutton Fields, Howdale Road.   

5. New Service 12a 

This scheme would see half the service 12 turn right out of Noddle Hill Way and operate via Wawne Rd, Pioneer Way, Medical Centre, Richmond Way, Barnes Way, Retail Park and Bude Rd to Bransholme Centre, forming a loop with the existing 12 route which would increase the buses to Kingswood by up to four an hour.  

6. New Moors bus Service 

Joint funded service with East Riding and North Yorkshire. The service will operate from Hull Interchange to access the Wolds, Pickering, Kirkbymoorside, Hutton le Hole on to Danby. Proposed operating season 3rd May to 28th September 2025 Sundays and Bank Holidays only. One departure from Hull per day at 0900 and returning at 1900.  

7. Discounted Fares 

Focus on set campaigns, care leavers under 19, student travel, Katcard day rider and social support schemes such as Food Bank travel. 

8. Improved Customer Information 

Promotions of joint corridor travel and bus stop information.  

9. Park and Ride Peak Journeys 

To continue the financial support for the peak hour’s journeys for the Park & Ride AM /PM (Monday to Friday).  

10. Bus Priority and Bus Gates 

To identify, design and complete dedicated bus priority and bus gate schemes across the cites key corridors to improve bus services punctuality 

11. Moving Traffic Violation Investment 

For the initial development of the MTV cameras and enforcement scheme for the yellow box junction between Brook Street and Hull Paragon Interchange, to support bus accessibility and improve punctuality. 

12. Real time investment 

To have a city-wide investment programme to identity new locations and replace existing on street Real Time Displays with new improved technology. 

12. Bus Shelter Investment 

Investment for increasing the current council owned bus shelter asset, by purchasing up to 30 new bus shelters that will compliment with 19 bee friendly bus shelters. 

14. Hull Interchange Accessibility 

Investment Focusing on the accessibility for passengers accessing bus services in the Interchange. Improving the information and creating dedicated walkways. 

15. Bus Stop Accessibility 

To improve bus stop accessibility city wide, includes raised bus boarders, TROs, seating, signs and lines. Number of schemes is subject to further detailed designs. 

16. Park and Ride Development 

Improvements to the facilities and new bike parking to support multi modal travel 

17. Pinch Point Investment 

Investment in carriageway improvements that have previously been identified by the Enhanced Partnership as causing pinch points on the bus network which leads to punctuality issues 

18. Community Bus 

In partnership with East Riding Yorkshire Council, purchasing a zero emissions vehicle that can be utilised for public consultation. 

19. Modelling of Key corridors transport gaps 

A review of the current public transport offer, to identify and gaps in the network which supports a social need which would identify scope for future developments, modelling key corridors, Bus Rapid Transit. 

20. Modelling of Transport Hubs 

A project to scope locations for future transport hubs to support active travel and multi modal travel.  

21. Traffic and Travel Traffic Cameras  

Supports the Traffic & Travel Team Project, widen visual access across the cites road network to support improved bus punctuality.  

The report also contained some proposed Stagecoach commercial changes:

6.8. In addition to the proposed funding allocation, Stagecoach have also agreed to operate two services commercially which supports the overall ambitions for increasing access to public transport and increased frequency. Service 15 operating via Staveley Rd to Hopewell Road then via Amethyst Road to Barham Road thus providing a regular service to Hopewell Road. Service 33, will see the contracted journeys that need to service Kestrel Avenue numbered 33C.  The peak time journeys would remain as Service 33's and operate from Leads Rd via Wawne Rd, to Diversity Drive, Medical Centre, Richmond Way, Barnes Way, to Kingswood Retail Park. 

Friday, 14 March 2025

96 and 97/97A to stay 'in house'

Last month I posted that North Lincolnshire Council were to put the 96 Barton to Brigg and 97/97A Isle of Axholme Local Services out to tender. These services are currently operated 'in house' but finding driver cover has proven difficult. 

However that procurement exercise has now been abandoned due to TUPE implications.