Andover’s DRT gets soft launched
Tuesday 11th March 2025 The latest addition to the DRT scene ‘soft
launched’ last week. Funded by Hampshire County Council’s Bus Service
Improvement Plan t...
1 day ago
Service 33 terminates just north of the junction on Willerby road where the 48 turns off to serve the Maplewood estate. It currently has a six minute layover before returning to the Interchange. Would this be sufficient time for it to cross the main road, serve the estate and return to the north side of Willerby road and pick up its inbound route? It need only do this once an hour and would not cost any more in terms of driver and vehicle costs apart from a small increase in fuel (assuming the driver turns the engine off during the layover which they don't always do). Peak time 33journeys that start or finish at the terminus could run to/from the estate instead.
Worth considering if the 48 experiment fails?
Currently the 48 is given 10 minutes each way between Kirklands Road and the Maplewood Estate.
Your idea is probably just a bit too tight I would have thought, unless the 33 layover period could be extended. If it could then another 33 each hour could serve Kirklands Road and the 48 could be withdrawn with just the through links to the Infirmary lost from Maplewood/Kirklands Road
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