From March 20th EYMS are making changes to services in the Market Weighton and Pocklington area, as previously noted here. Full details have now been announced.
The new EYMS X4 Market Weighton-York direct is as detailed here. The X46/X47 (Hull-Beverley-Market Weighton-Pocklington-York) sees extended journey times to improve reliability, while the Sunday X47 service is now operated commercially.
Service 744 (Bridlington-Driffield-Pocklington-York) and service 746 (Market Weighton-Pocklington-York) are retimed to improve co-ordination with the X46 and the new X4. Within York there is a revised route avoiding Tower Street. Despite what Traveline reports, the 746 will continue to serve the University of York.
Minor changes also impact on the 18A (Holme-York) and the 195/6 (Pocklington-York).
As a side note, why does the 744 still serve Dunnington which has the First/York Pullman 10 on a far higher frequency? Does it serve a part of Dunnington the 10 does not? The Pocklington-York corridor is rather complicated - the X46/7, 744 and 746 all have different routes making even headways between services impossible. Sending the 744 via the 746 route, serving the University of York rather than Dunnington would go some way to simplifying this.
Andover’s DRT gets soft launched
Tuesday 11th March 2025 The latest addition to the DRT scene ‘soft
launched’ last week. Funded by Hampshire County Council’s Bus Service
Improvement Plan t...
1 day ago
The reason why the 744 serves Dunnington is not primarily for Dunnington to York passengers but to provide a link between the village and Pocklington, Wilberfoss, etc (which was lost when the X46 was first introduced). It also serves Common Road in Dunnington which is otherwise only served by the limited early morning 10A journeys.
The link wasn't lost when X46 was introduced but rather when the 746 was diverted to serve the University. Initailly 744 was diverted too, but there was a plea from Dunnington to retain the link to Bridlington for pensioners, so the 744 reverted to its previous route.
I've lobbied EYMS on and off to restore the service through Dunnington as First's 10 is now only half hourly and unreliable as well, but I've got nowhere and have now given up trying. The time lost by EYMS buses in their very odd route into the centre of York via Fishergate would easily allow for Dunnington and the University to be served if the 10 route along Walmgate was adopted - this has been feasible since the inward route into Walmgate was moved away from the low bar.
I wish EYMS luck with the X4.
Currently, twice a day, a service 121 bus and a service 744 bus runs at exactly the same time (1033 and 1433) and on exactly the same route between Driffield and Bridlington.
These service changes address that by making the 744 run 15 minutes later. However, this means that the return journeys are also 15 minutes later and so, twice a day, a service 121 bus and a service 744 bus runs at exactly the same time (1130 and 1530) and on exactly the same route between Bridlington and Driffield!
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