Today (Monday 7th) sees a new service numbered 136 start between Bridlington and Driffield via Skipsea, Beeford and North Frodingham, operated by Phoenix Buses. There are 4 Driffield to Bridlington services, and three in the other direction, plus 1 Beeford to Driffield working, and two Bridlington to North Frodingham journeys. All journeys operate Monday to Saturdays and the timetable allows for shopping trips to both Bridlington and Driffield, plus commuting to/from Bridlington.
These links have most recently been provided by services 130 and 270, latterly operated by Manor Travel, and the new 136 service seems to provide a more simplier timetable. The EYMS 130 journeys between Hornsea, Skipsea and Bridlington continue unaltered, as does the remaining EYMS journey on service 270 from Driffield to Beeford at 1710 on weekdays.
I must admit this is not an area I am that familar with so if anyone has any further details or comments about these changes, please leave a comment.
Shelters and Samaritans
Royal Parade is going to look a little different for a while as the City
Council has come up with an interesting solution to the lack of bus stops
4 hours ago
I note that whenever there is a change to the EYMS 270 nothing is ever mentioned on their website and there has never been a timetable leaflet for this service. The journeys previously operated by Manor/Busking/Phoenix/whoever via Skerne are now to be EYMS operated as service 134, twice a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays between Driffield and Skerne only. They will use the same vehicle that operates the TTHo 135 journeys.
It is interesting to note that in the early 1960s a similar short serice operated and was numbered 67 (half of 134!). From 1963 to 1968 this became service 35 and then the journeys were incorporated into the Driffield to Bridlington service 48, later to become 270. All the Skerne journeys operated on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only.
Does anyone know whether the 136 is a commercial service competing with EYMS 130 or a tendered service ?
During the winter, 130 has just 2 return journeys which call at Skipsea for Brid at 1023 and 1323 and return at 1105 and 1405.
136, on the other hand, has 4/5 journeys including departures from Skipsea at 1025 and 1255 and Brid at 1120 and 1400.
Given the greater choice of journeys on 136, there seems very little reason for Skipsea passengers to choose the 130 - leaving EYMS to rely on Hornsea and Atwick passengers.
Is this intended as a competive strike against EYMS (in a rather unlikely location), or is it part of a plan to co-ordinate the two services in due course with connections at Skipsea ?
(Not the same anonymous as above)
I live at Skipsea & my mother lives on Shaftesbury road Bridlington & is 83 & the 136 bus goes past her house.Where is the nearest bus-stop for her? Would it be also possible for a time-table to be avaliable?
If you would like a timetable the only one I can find is on Use the timetable finder section - you will need to enter the route number and the date and time of day you want.
Thank-you for the web site details of where I was
able to view a bus time-table of the new bus service 136 for my 83 year old mother to visit me at Skipsea from Bridlington.
I would like to know if this bus is a hail'n'ride bus or do you need to find a bus-stop. I think her nearest stop is on Cardigan road since she lives on Shaftesbury road Bridlington.
Advice please.
I'm unsure if the service is hail and ride or not. Unfortuantley I cant find a phone number for the operator. Maybe traveline could help?
Hi, Phoenix Buses have website with contact details and timetables it is
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