From today (Monday 7th September), the Hessle Town Service, numbered 183 has a new route and timetable. It will now serve the Sainsbury's supermarket at Priory Park and the Acorn Way area of Hessle. The frequency remains half hourly Monday to Saturday mornings and early afternoons.
The 183 is operated by EYMS, and was inherited from Veolia earlier this year, though EYMS had operated it previously. As a side note the EYMS timetable front cover picture could maybe do with changing - the '183 Hessle Square' display looks to have been photoshopped on, and the location of the picture in Hull Cuty Centre isn't served by the 183.
Shelters and Samaritans
Royal Parade is going to look a little different for a while as the City
Council has come up with an interesting solution to the lack of bus stops
4 hours ago
Many EYMS leaflets show a picture of a bus at a location that isn't served by the destination on the blind. See, for example, service 71, 550 at Princes Quay, Hull; 121, 131 at Hessle Square; 129, 135, 142, 240, 747 at ASDA, Bilton; 130, 143, 144, 195, 744 at Carr Lane, Hull; 158, 521-3 at Prospect Street, Hull; all the Brid town services feature Hull/Hessle locations.
that picture is actullt outsite boots pharmy in hessle square
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