Hornsby Travel have introduced reduced Saturday timetables on two town services in Scunthorpe from today (2nd April).
Service 12 from Scunthorpe Bus Station to Ashfield is reduced from a half hourly daytime service to a largely hourly service. The occasional extensions to Burringham and East Butterwick are unaffected. Between Ashfield and Ashby Town Centre, the 12 largely follows the route of Stagecoach's 31/32 services which operate every 20 minutes on Saturday daytimes. Between Ashby and Scunthorpe Town Centres, the 12 follows the same route as Stagecoach's hourly circular services 33/34. From Scunthorpe Bus Station the 34 leaves at :00 minutes past the hour and the 12 at :30 minutes past the hour, however from Ashby the 33 leaves at :07 past the hour and the 12 at :10 past the hour.
Service 22 from Scunthorpe Bus Station to Lakeside is reduced on Saturday mornings from half hourly to hourly, matching the afternoon frequency.
New Hornsby 12 Timetable
New Hornsby 22 Timetable
Windsor & Maidenhead area service changes confirmed
Towards the end of January, I reported on word that Reading Buses’
Bracknell-based subsidiary Thames Valley Buses had reportedly lost a lot of
their former...
1 day ago
A few years ago, the 12 used to be too popular (I am thinking around 10 years ago, when the original "shuttle" network ran). It used to often leave with Standing loads, as the only service to the riddings estate. Sign of stagecoach winning in this area, with riddings effectivley getting a combined 6 buses an hour on the 31/32? Not helped by poor co-ordination on the Lincoln Gardens corridor, where buses pretty much follow each other?
22 is more of a surprise, as the estate at the bottom of Lakeside is still being built, so in theory you would expect this route to be gradually getting busier - however in reality those big new houses will most likely have 2 cars parked outside them - and won't see any inclination to use the bus. This see's Timberlands back to the service level it had 15 years ago under the old 344 route on a Saturday - Wonder if stagecoach might be tempted to re-route the 33/34 back via Timberlands as it used to do?
I have said it many times, but the Scunthorpe town network, as it stands, is a ripe for re-organisation and simplification.
I would agree it certainly needs another reorganisation. It can't be an easy network to plan, with the issues at the steelworks impacting the local economy, Scunthorpe Town Centre not in the best health, a significant out of town retail park (M&S) and a 3rd key shopping location in Ashby to consider. Plus the network being split between two operators can't help matters - a 'deep' partnership is probably needed along the lines of what happens in South Yorkshire.
There are some Stagecoach changes next month - not sure how significant they are. Another complication though with doing anything now is that the new Lincolnshire Lakes development will need serving in a few years time.
To be fair if you live down at Lakeside you not that far away from the Morrisons etc And you have to wonder how many people actually wont to go the Town centre? Mind its quicker taking the car especial if you just drive right up the duel carriageway.
Its been said time and time again but how would you re-organisation and simplify the network? If you had a clean sheet what would you do? I bet you might end up getting stuck, and that without adding in the steel works and Lakes development.
Re: Scunthorpe changes, as a guess, it would seem the 40 is being cancelled, with a timetable and route change on the 31/32 - and timetable only change on the 33/34. My instinct is that the 31/32 are going to run to Tesco to replace the 40, and the 33/34 are going to have a tweak to the timetable to replace some of the 40 journeys?
I would totally withdraw the current network - and restart with:
Route 1/1A/2/2A: Modification of current 31/32 services. All buses run via Hospital, Tesco, Lodge Moor to Westcliff. 1 operates via Plymouth Road, 1A Bristol Road - then re-join at Desert Rat. Then 1A runs via Bridges Road, Willoughby Road, High leys Rd, Ogilvy Drive, Messingham Road to Ashby. 1 runs via Enderby Road, Quebec Road, Moorwell Road, Cambridge Avenue, Bottesford Lane to Ashby. Buses then join the same route again down Ashby High Street, Open Hearth and into Scunthorpe. 1/1A run Every 15 minutes combined, 2/2A the same. A combination of both routes (The current 31A/32A) runs at night/sundays. Depending on precise timings, there is a possibility this could also cover Valley View Drive. This would combine to replace the 9, 31, 32,33 & 34, as well as the 10 and part of the 11.
Route 3: Scunthorpe to ASDA (Current 12). Runs Every 30 mins via Lincoln Gardens, Ashby, Angerstien Road, Spilsby Road etc. Ideally this would run in combination with the 1 or 2 to provide a "every 15 mins" bus to Scunthorpe from Riddings.
Route 4: Scunthorpe to Brigg. Increased to half-hourly, but numbered 4X and 4. The 4X is the fast route, via Brigg Road, Morrisons, Broughton to Brigg. The 4 runs the current route via Brumby Corner, Ashby, then replaces the 10 - running via Stockshills Road, Open Hearth, Bellingham Road to Lakeside - before current route to Brigg. This could possibly then extend to Kirton or Barnetby every other hour as the 4A or 4B to replace 94/95/68
Route 5: The current 22, 37 and 38, At the 22 end - it would be almost the current route, and every 30 minutes, except it would run via Glover Road instead of the northern part of Malvern Road, so the colleges are still covered after the 33/34 and 10 are withdrawn. At the north end, it would run Every hour, it would run to Tesco and Hospital to replace the 37/38. Runs via Hospital, Avenue Vivian, Crosby loop, Dewsbury Avenue through to Scotter Road, then Speedwell Crescent, then via orbital road to terminate at Tesco.
Route 6: Current route 6, pretty much unchanged @ Every 10 minutes
Other changes:
I would re-route the 35 and 90 to serve Church Lane side of the hospital site as the 9 would no longer operate (Cliff Gardens covered by 1/1A/2/2A every 15 minutes). This could also include the Axholme and goole services, with all together could create an Every 30 minutes service via Station Road, Church Lane, Hospital entrance, Kingsway to Tesco before continuing on to various destinations
Most of town would then have a direct link to the Hospital, and Tesco, town and Ashby either on the 1/1A/2/2A, or on the crosstown 5.
PVR would be 21 (Not sure of the current network requirements?) excluding the changes to the 4.
1/1A/2/2A Each orbit would take 1hr 5mins - so in total this would require 11 vehicles with a 10 minute layover after each trip
3 would require 2
4 is difficult to calculate, but I would expect 2 for the Scunthorpe to Brigg section
5 is 3 - it would take 55 mins from Lakeside to Tesco, so 2 buses running across town, with 1 running short trips to lakeside.
6 would require 5. Running under a single operator, this would need fewer buses as the fleet could be better utilised.
Of course these are only suggestions and as always there would be winners and loosers
Current stagecoach town network is 15 buses (3 of them come off for school and collage work * ) Hornsby is 4 buses within the town, and the no4 is another two.
That idea 5 just seems pointless. You would be better off extending the current 22 to cover the no10 around Warley Road. Its not as easy is it? :P
Its not easy. Unlike most towns that can quite easily be divided into key corridors extending out from a central area, Scunthorpe is essentially a square of low density semi-detached housing, not ideal bus operator territary at all, very difficult to serve all areas with a good service AND it not be a complicated network.
Re: Scunthorpe stagecoach changes in earlier post - Looking at Stagecoachs inhouse journey planner -
Looks like the 40 is gone, 31/32 to go via Tesco, with large amounts of slack in the timetable , presumably to allow for traffic conditions at Berkeley. Travel to Westcliff via Berkeley on the 31 now looks to take the best part of 30 minutes, compared to around 20 now, and as little as 15 minutes on the 33/34/10. Can't see any changes to the 33/34, so presume these are minor tweaks only.
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