Monday (11th April) sees EYMS make changes to 3 services in the Bridlington area. Weekday service 131 to the Carnaby Industrial Estate has a revised afternoon timetable to improve punctuality while town service 503 is rerouted and slightly retimed due to "badly parked cars" causing delays - as a result it will no longer go around Bempton Oval. Finally on service 510 to Flamborough, all journeys will now serve North Landing (and Thornwick Bay Holiday Centre when open), increasing the frequency from 2 hourly to hourly.
Last Wednesday also saw EYMS take over operation of the Wednesday and Thursday journeys on service 124 from Acklams Coaches - the service runs between Bridlington and Driffield via various villages including Burton Fleming. When operated by Acklams Coaches the service provided two journeys in each direction, offering 3 hours 35 minutes in Bridlington and 1 hour 20 minutes in Driffield. The new timetable has one Ruston Parva-Bridlington journey on a Wednesday, providing 2 hours 40 minutes in Bridlington, and one Boynton-Driffield journey on a Thursday, offering 2 hours 45 minutes in Driffield. A search on Traveline Yorkshire brings up no results for the Saturday service that Acklams Coaches had also previously operated, indicating this may have been withdrawn.
New EYMS 124 timetable
Windsor & Maidenhead area service changes confirmed
Towards the end of January, I reported on word that Reading Buses’
Bracknell-based subsidiary Thames Valley Buses had reportedly lost a lot of
their former...
1 day ago
They can't just stop serving Bempton Oval with only a week's notice can they??? This is bad for those of us who struggle to walk.
Just to clarify on the recent changes in Bridlington.
Service 503 was restricted to midi bus use only along Bempton Cresc and Bempton Oval and even then badly parked cars by residents managed to delay the service on many occasions.
Service 510 at the present cannot run into Thornwick Holiday Camp at the present due to the new owners of the site not providing safe turning arrangements within the holiday park.
Service 131 mid day changes are quite simply because the service cannot run through the traffic within Bridlington, the 20mph speed limits within the town, and the extension at Carnaby Industrial Estate all in 30 minutes.
The reduction in the number of journeys operated through the midday and the inclusion of some standing time should ensure that the timetabled service will fully operate.
510 Update:
The owners of Thornwick Bay holiday park have agreed to make a safe place for vehicles to pick up and although turning arrangements are tight and far from ideal all Service 510 buses will now run into the holiday park with immediate effect.
Just to clarify that any registration for service changes has to be registered weeks in advance with VOSA.
The removal of the service from Bempton Oval was 100% caused by the residents who live on the street and were fully aware of buses struggling still continuing to park cars in such a way that buses just could not get through and in fact on more than one occasions police assistance has been required.
Some years ago the service had to be removed from Mount Crescent within the same estate for exactly the same problem.
It must be remembered that and bus driver who strikes a parked vehicle whilst trying to squeeze through small gaps has committed an offence and has to report it to the police but also declare it to his or her private car insurer with the results that there own car insurance premiums may well rise.
The Wednesday service to Bridlington is designed to give passengers time to visit the market whilst the Thursday Driffield service is designed for Driffield market day.
The only strange working is the return journey from Driffield which runs in service to Boynton then runs dead to Bridlington Depot.
And to confirm EYMS will not be operating the Saturday journeys which it would appear have been withdrawn.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council undertook a review of the 124 service and consulted passengers on the previous operator. This is what has led to the revised service. I am hoping to set a date for the regular Bridlington Bus Forum in the next month or so to see how the changes work.
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