I thought this a bit unusual. The Stagecoach leaflet covering the A1077 roadworks has contact information for Hull depot. This is despite the 350 Humber Fastcat legally being a Lincolnshire Road Car service and with Scunthorpe depot operating more journeys than Stagecoach's Foster Street Depot in Hull. What makes it even more surprising is that the leaflet also includes Grimsby depot operated service 450, which is nothing to do with Hull.
Maybe I am reading too much into this, but in the Hull Daily Mail last week the Stagecoach Hull commercial manager, John Donnelly, was referred to as commercial manager for Stagecoach East Midlands (North). So do Grimsby and Scunthorpe now come under the control of Hull, at least as far as commercial matters go?
Andover’s DRT gets soft launched
Tuesday 11th March 2025 The latest addition to the DRT scene ‘soft
launched’ last week. Funded by Hampshire County Council’s Bus Service
Improvement Plan t...
1 day ago
Hull route plans for Scunthorpe, Grimsby and Skegness. This is nothing new. Another Commercial Manager is based in Lincoln and covers the remaining area. That's all.
Bus users in Kingswood, Hull will have the opportunity this week to comment on local bus services and suggest how they can be improved.
The first ever dedicated Kingswood Bus Surgery will be held between 3 to 7pm, onboard Bus It on Thursday 14 April 2011 at Lay-by, Kesteven Way, Hull. Free, all welcome. Disabled access. No appointment necessary.
Representatives from Stagecoach Buses will on hand to answer questions relating to bus operations in Hull. There are no immediate plans to changes bus services in the area. Organised by The City of Hull & Humber Environment Forum (CHEF) onboard Bus IT.
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