Friday, 31 January 2025

Splitting the 25

East Yorkshire split service 25 between Hornsea, Beverley, Cottingham, Castle Hill Hospital, Willerby, Anlaby and Hessle into two as part of their 10th November 2024 service changes. The 25 continues between Hornsea and Beverley, with new service 26 between Beverley and Hessle.

For the section between Hornsea and Beverley, the only significant loss is the through link to Castle Hill Hospital, a connection that can still be made via Beverley or Hull. In the short term, the loss of the through Castle Hill service might even be a good thing, due to the major roadworks taking place between south Beverley and Skidby. As part of these changes, the Friday and Saturday only 1905 from Beverley to Hornsea and 1950 return now operate Monday to Saturday (with the 1950 retimed to 1945), giving an 80 minute later last service from Beverley and a 70 minute later last service from Hornsea Monday to Thursday.

For the Beverley to Hessle section, the change is far more significant. Previously the 25 had operated approximately every two hours Monday to Saturday daytimes, with six journeys in each direction. There are still six trips in each direction (other than on Saturdays from Beverley, which is reduced to five), but at varying intervals. From Hessle departures are at 0630, 0930, 1150, 1245, 1515 and 1750, and from Beverley at 0745, 1030, 1130, 1400, 1635 and 1710 (Mon-Fri only). Some journeys now serve Willerby Parkway, restoring a service to the area, but Monday to Friday there is a lot of variability in which do and which don't; from Hessle it's the 1150, 1245 and 1515 which divert, and from Beverley it's the 1030, 1400 and 1710; Saturday's everything does other than the 0630 from Hessle.

The new 26 appears to meet basic needs such as access to shops and Castle Hill Hospital. The route has disruptive long term roadworks. It has 'competition' between Cottingham and Beverley from the 180 and the train - there were 20 Cottingham to Beverley travellers on the 0930 180 yesterday (and incidentally, I was reminded whilst travelling yesterday just how scenic the area is, especially around Little Weighton). It also has overlap between Cottingham and Willerby with the 54. The areas served are quite affluent with probable high levels of car ownership. Finally, East Yorkshire have tried various ways of making services more attractive in recent years and none have lasted long. I understand why the route has ended up with such a basic service, designed around resource maximisation as opposed to an attractive timetable.

However surely something better than this can be provided, at least once the roadworks are finished and faster journeys can be offered? Beverley is a very popular destination, Cottingham, Willerby, Anlaby and Hessle are all sizeable locations. There is a major hospital en-route, a retail park, offices (at Willerby), a leisure centre, new housing developments. It feels like there is a lot of potential along the route. In addition a better service between Beverley and Castle Hill would be beneficial for connecting passengers at Beverley as well; journeys such as Hornsea or Leconfield to Castle Hill.


Anonymous said...

What is your views on the new purpose bus depot for EYMS?

Humber Transport said...

In a word - mixed. I might do a blog post soon

Anonymous said...

The 26 is now almost unusable and has a most bizarre timetable. I can’t help feeling this is the sort of loss making route that EYMS would have cross-subsidised back in the day, but the bean counters at Go-Ahead are having none of it. It’s quite shocking how the route network and frequencies have been butchered since the takeover. Of course Covid is a key factor, but EY seem to have given up on trying to create services to attract new customers and have defaulted to ‘bare minimum’ mode.