Based on the printed timetable I picked up with effect from the renumbering to service 35 on 10th November, a new 1905 departure from Hull Paragon Interchange was added Monday to Saturday, delaying the daytime to evening reduction from half hourly to hourly from 1835 to 1935 Monday to Friday, whilst on Saturdays a further new 2005 departure was also added. Furthermore, an additional return service from Willerby was introduced at 1931 Monday to Saturday. However oddly the extra Saturday journeys do not show on the East Yorkshire website, nor on
Finally the previously Friday and Saturday only 2330 from Hull Paragon Interchange now operates at 2335 Monday to Saturday, providing an hour's later last departure Monday to Thursday.
1 comment:
The 54 / 154 numbering is the most barmy of all these changes.
On the Saturday prior to the change, if you stood on Kingston Road at any stop between Willerby Square and the Hop Pole and boarded a bus that was blinded 54 Hull Interchange, you would go direct down Willerby Road and Spring Bank into Town, what is now the route 35.
The next day, if you boarded a bus blinded 54 Hull Interchange, you would go via Anlaby on what used to be 154.
I wonder how many people have boarded wrong buses as a result of this.
Evening frequency increases on all routes welcome, but they are largely just putting back what was there pre COVID. Hopefully they survive beyond the end of the BSIP funding.
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