EYMS have released details of their changes to services in West Hull and Cottingham from Sunday 29th September.
Currently the main services between Hull and Cottingham are the 105 and 115; the 105 operates from Hull Interchange via Beverley Road, Cottingham Road (Hull University) and Cottingham Village Centre to The Lawns Halls of Residence, while the 115 operates from Hull Interchange to Castle Hill Hospital via Princes Avenue, Newland Avenue, Cranbrook Avenue, Endike Lane and Cottingham Village Centre. The Monday to Saturday daytime frequency on both routes is every 20 minutes.
Supplementing the 115 are the 215 and 315 between Hull and Endike Lane which operate every 20 minutes Monday to Saturday daytime, giving a 10 minute frequency combined with the 115 between Hull, Newland Avenue and Endike Lane. The 315 is a short working of the 115, while the 215 operates via Cottingham Road instead of Cranbrook Avenue. In the morning the 215 operates from Hull City Centre and the 315 back into Hull City Centre, before the two services reverse direction in the afternoon.
In addition to these routes two University term time only services have also been operated by EYMS, the 102 and 103. The 102 was extra workings of the 105, principally between the University and The Lawns only every 20 minutes on weekday daytimes. The 103 is an amalagm of the 105 and 115 routes, operating from Hull Interchange via Princes Avenue, Newland Avenue, Cottingham Road and Cottingham Village Centre to The Lawns. During the last University year the 103 had operated occasionally on weekday daytimes and every hour on Monday to Saturday evenings and Sunday daytimes.
EYMS's late September changes see the 102, 215 and 315 withdrawn in favour of a much enhanced 103. The 103 now becomes a year round service operating every 20 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes and every hour Monday to Saturday evenings and Sunday daytimes - a change which seems to be positive for almost everyone.
Combined the 103 and 115 will maintain EYMS's 10 minute Monday to Saturday daytime frequency along Princes Avenue and Newland Avenue currently provides by the 115/215/315 combination. The changes also mean that the Hull to Cottingham via Cottingham Road service increases from every 20 to every 10 minutes, and likewise so does the Princes Avenue/Newland Avenue-Cottingham frequency. Meanwhile in the evenings and Sunday the currently University semester time only journeys on the 103 become year round.
The two areas that don't benefit are Cranbrook Avenue and Endike Lane. Cranbrook Avenue also has Stagecoach in Hull service 15 so no major issues there, but Endike Lane reduces from a 10 minute frequency to every 20 minutes.
Endike Road aside this is a significant improvement to services in West Hull and Cottingham, and with the withdrawal of the 102, 215 and 315 the network is simplified into three services, the 103, 105 and 115.
Its getting busier
A look back at the last weeks worth of notices that have come through.
Its been a lot busier recently as we start to see a lot of April changes
coming th...
4 hours ago
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