Stagecoach in Hull are altering their service 10 (City Centre-Orchard Park-Bransholme-Wilberforce College-City Centre and vice versa) from Monday 2nd September. Clockwise most journeys will now start from Hull Interchange at :20 and :50 past the hour instead off :05 and :35. Anti-clockwise depatures will be at :10 and :40 past the hour instead off :05 and :35. Also notable is an earlier first anti-clockwise service from Hull Interchange, at 0710 on weekdays and 0810 on Saturdays, compared to 0805 on weekdays and 0905 on Saturday prior to the change.
Finally a Saturday evening part-route journey has been added at 2340 from the Interchange to Bransholme North Point via Wilberforce College and Sutton
Arriva quits the A41
Tuesday 25th March 2025 Many inter-urban bus routes have seen booming
passenger demand in recent years as bus companies invest in new vehicles,
improved fr...
1 day ago