Saturday, 2 September 2023

East Yorkshire Bridlington Changes

East Yorkshire are amending their local services in Bridlington from tomorrow - Sunday 3rd September. The changes are to make services "more reliable", which should happen as running times are slightly increased. However it seems little or no extra resource is being added to the network, so out goes clockface timetables largely consistent between weekdays and Saturdays, and in comes harder to remember times and notable differences on a Saturday. I understand that extra resource for clockface timetables and consistency probably can't be justified, but the new timetables aren't very user friendly. 

On service 2 to the south of Bridlington, the 1420 and 1530 circulars from Bridlington Bus Station no longer operate Monday to Friday during school holidays. Most Saturday journeys operate 5 minutes later than Monday to Friday.

For service 3 to the West Hill Estate, the 1515 from Bridlington Bus Station no longer operates Monday to Friday during school holidays. The service remains mostly hourly, but journey times are slightly extended, and vary from journey to journey, and between weekdays and Saturdays.

The 4 and 4A to New Pasture Lane Estate are amended from operating hourly each for a combined half hourly frequency to a combined frequency of between every 20 and 45 minutes Monday to Saturday mornings and early afternoons. School Holiday weekdays are reduced to hourly, as already occurs on schooldays, though clockface half hourly departures return from Bridlington Bus Station on Saturday afternoons.

The 5 and 5A to the north of Bridlington retain some semblance of a clockface timetable from Bridlington Bus Station in the morning and early afternoon at least, running hourly each for a combined half hourly frequency. However the first service of the day at 0800 from Bridlington Bus Station is cancelled, as is the 1200 leaving an hours gap. Following that the 1230 is a 5A Monday to Friday but a 5 on Saturdays, the 1300 a 5 Monday to Friday but a 5A on Saturdays and there is then a 1325 5A Monday to Friday and a 1330 5 on Saturdays. The late afternoon service gains a 100 minute gap Monday to Friday from Bridlington Bus Station, previously just a 60 minute gap schooldays only.

On Service 6 to the North of Bridlington, the 1445 circular from Bridlington Bus Station is withdrawn Monday to Friday, leaving a 130 minute gap. Otherwise an hourly service remains (with two 65 minute gaps on Saturdays), but again with slightly extended journey times, times varying slightly from journey to journey, and between weekdays and Saturdays.

Finally service 14 from Bridlington to Flamborough is also slightly revised with extended running times and slight variations at timing points depending on the day of the week - for example 1430 from Flamborough to Bridlington Monday to Friday, 1433 Saturday and 1431 Sunday.


NMcB said...

Another feature of the revised Bridlington timetables is a reduction in the number of timing points, e,g, Health Centre on 2 & 3 and Quay Road on 4 and 5. Presumably, this is to prevent unnecessary waiting for time at stops on journeys which then encounter congestion in the Town Centre - all very sensible. However, this has a very unfortunate side-effect on the 14, where Thornwick Bay Holiday Village is no longer a timing point. As a result, it is impossible to tell from the pdf (and printed) timetable leaflet whether it is served before or after North Landing, or both. In fact, the timetable rather implies it is served in both directions as the text “All journeys each day operate via Thornwick Bay Holiday Village when the site is open” appears below the timetables for both directions. Only when you open up the ‘All Stops’ version of the online timetable is it clear that it is only served on outward journeys and passengers from there to Bridlington travel via North Landing.

Humber Transport said...

"It's quite plain the withdrawal of mid afternoon services on virtually all services on school days only, not school holidays as stated, is to release buses and drivers for school buses."
A couple of points:
-The cuts are in school holidays as well as during term times, as per the pdf timetable produced by East Yorkshire on their website. If that's wrong then fair enough, but my source for school holidays cuts is the operator's own website
-The lack of reference to schooldays was because schoolday gaps are nothing new. The comparison was betweeen the 'start of the year' timetables and the new ones