The VOSA website shows widespread service changes are being planned by Stagecoach from 3rd September.
Grimsby Area
12: Bradley Park-Grimsby-Cleethorpes-New Waltham
13/14: Laceby Road Morrisons-Grimsby-Cleethorpes - Route Change Only
45/46/150/450: Grimsby-Immingham-East Halton/Barton
HF1: Cleethorpes-Grimsby-Humberside Airport
Hull Area
1/2/N2: Hull-Boothferry Estate
10: Hull City Circular
13/14: Hull-Orchard Park
15/N15: Hull-Orchard Park-Kingswood
28/28A: Hull-Bransholme-Kingswood
30/30W: Hull-Bransholme-North Bransholme-Wawne
31/N31/32: Hull-Bransholme/North Bransholme
41/42: Hull-Greatfield
43/N43: Hull-Greatfield
46: Hull-Marfleet
51/N51: Hull-Bransholme-Kingswood
54: Hull-Bilton Grange
110: Hull-Cottingham
Service 38 between Hull and Bransholme is cancelled with VOSA
Scunthorpe Area
6: Scunthorpe-Ashby
10: Scunthorpe Town Circular
33: Scunthorpe Town Circular
34: Scunthorpe Town Circular
37: Scunthorpe-Tesco Extra and Skippingdale Retail Park
38: Scunthorpe-Crosby
April Treat
If you can't wait until July, for a ride on a vintage bus, the Plymouth
City Transport Preservation Group will be holding a running day, centred on
7 hours ago
Hello, would you like to know the details of the changes ? You are being a bit dramatic saying "widespread" service changes!
Considering the number of services that are being amended, I don't think widespread is dramatic. Though, yes, if do have any details on the changes they would be appreciated.
To confirm some of the detail of the forthcoming changes:
Grimsby Area
12: Bradley Park-Grimsby-Cleethorpes-New Waltham – Timetable revision. Peak journeys Monday to Friday being withdrawn due to changes with School Tenders.
13/14: Laceby Road Morrisons-Grimsby-Cleethorpes - Route Change Only – The route change will be the Service 14 now turning right from the Broadway into Laceby Road due to changes at the junction making it safer to do so.
45/46/150/450: Grimsby-Immingham-East Halton/Barton – Changes to the first journey out of Grimsby. This will be earlier to solve the issue with running late between Barton and Brigg. Some journeys extended to Brigg Leisure Centre at the request of North Lincolnshire Council.
HF1: Cleethorpes-Grimsby-Humberside Airport – This is simple an exercise to reduce the waiting time at Nuns Corner and Bradley Cross Roads for journeys leaving Grimsby,
Hull Area
1/2/N2: Hull-Boothferry Estate – Some journeys on Service 1 diverted via Smith & Nephews. Minor adjustment to timings between certain timing points to improve punctuality.
10: Hull City Circular – Changes require due to contract arrangements with Wilberforce College and Andrew Marvell School. They have changed their times which has had a knock on effect to the timetable. April change has gone well and things starting to look more stable. Your point regarding the overlap in Bilton Grange is probably right and we are persisting with the link to and from Hopewell Rd, however with the potential of the Siemens Factory in the near future it has been decided to serve Hedon Road as this achieves the link to Preston Road the College are after and also provides an employment link from East Hull to Hedon Road. Yes this was part of the old 23/24 but maybe the future will generate more demand and its better than overlapping other services.
13/14: Hull-Orchard Park – Merely an exercise to adjust intermediate times.
15/N15: Hull-Orchard Park-Kingswood – Punctuality timing revision for mostly inward journeys.
28/28A: Hull-Bransholme-Kingswood - Punctuality timing revision for mostly inward journeys, plus an additional inward peak journey from North Point Shopping Centre.
30/30W: Hull-Bransholme-North Bransholme-Wawne – The change which saw the 30A introduced has been succesful, however the congestion at the junction of Leads Rd/Stoneferry is a concern and has caused issues with punctuality. However the variation will be maintained but with the resource from the 38 being reinvested. This will provide a straight forward 20 minute Service 30, and a combinded 30A/30W for Leads Road and Midmere Ave again every 20 mins. The difference between a 30A and 30W will be that the 30W will cover the Witham, Mount Pleasant, Garden Village, Chamberlain Road section of route previously covered by Service 38, and it will also omit Bodmin Road from its route to make journeys to and from Wawne faster to North Point Shopping Centre. Bodmin Road is more than sufficiently covered with 28A/30/30A/51, Leads Rd is maintained at a 20 minutes service. The section of route between Chamberlain Road and Cleveland Street carries a much lower demand than even Garden Village and therefore five buses per hour is more than sufficient.
31/N31/32: Hull-Bransholme/North Bransholme – This is simple a change to further improve punctuality.
41/42: Hull-Greatfield – This will be a punctuality change, especially on Saturdays between 0800 and 1400 where there has been a number of issues.
43/N43: Hull-Greatfield – This is a punctuality change.
46: Hull-Marfleet – The service improved greatly after the April change, but more work is needed to make it perfect!
51/N51: Hull-Bransholme-Kingswood – This service has suffered some punctuality issues, strange as it has been no problem running to the existing timetable for some time, however it has suffered in recent times. The action to help resolve this is to revise the route in and out of the City Centre via North Bridge and Witham and to revise the afternoon schedule and timetable to put in place a robust schedule capable to handle the congestion issues being suffered on Holderness Road.
54: Hull-Bilton Grange – Minor improvements to punctuality.
110: Hull-Cottingham – A revised timetable to address issues with punctuality.
Service 38 between Hull and Bransholme is cancelled with VOSA – Replaced by revised Service 30W.
As you can see not over dramatic. The reasoning over the timing of the change in Hull is that September to Christmas is the most demanding time for passenger usage and traffic congestion. The Depot at Hull now has the Bus Operator reports package which provides data for every timing point on every route for every journey every day. Data from some 250,000 journeys has been used to make the very minor changes to timetables in order to operate the services within window expected of us. Never before has it been possible to scrutinise services to this level of detail. Perfection is a demanding target, but one the depot will continue to work towards.
Scunthorpe Area
6: Scunthorpe-Ashby – Additional AM peak journey ay 0730.
10: Scunthorpe Town Circular – Additional Saturday and School holiday journeys.
33: Scunthorpe Town Circular – No change.
34: Scunthorpe Town Circular – Changes to the first two journeys to provide better connections to the Scunthorpe Colleges.
37: Scunthorpe-Tesco Extra and Skippingdale Retail Park – Additional afternoon journeys.
38: Scunthorpe-Crosby – Additional afternoon journeys.
If you would like any further information you can e-mail me at
Thanks for all those details
Sending the 10 to Hedon Road will at least be offering something different, certainly worth a try
The 30/30A/30W all seems a bit complicated at first, but I guess it is a balancing act between simplicity and serving little used but important links. It's better than the 38 being withdrawn without replacement
Nice to see Scunthorpe getting enhancements
will the 37 call at Tesco Extra as this isn't currently the case?
Expect to see more changes in Scunthorpe later in the year! Nothing bad mind you.
Interesting set of changes @ Scunthorpe, with enhancements to the 37 and 38 in the afternoons - I was not aware that the 37 served Tesco though.
As has been previously discussed on here last time there were service changes in Scunthorpe, the poor service to Tesco, now the hourly 90 has gone. I was in Tesco @ 12:00 today, and counted no less than 15 people stood waiting for the 31A - and that is not an exaggeration either.
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