Sunday, 16 June 2024

16 Curtailed

Stagecoach curtailed their service 16 in East Hull once it resumed post-Easter on Tuesday 2nd April. Since April 2023, the 16 had been operating from Hull Interchange to Morrisons on Holderness Road via Victoria Dock, Newbridge Road, Southcoates Lane, Bilsdale Grove, Exeter Grove, Preston Road, Marfleet Lane and Maybury Road. Now from Southcoates Lane it operates a clockwise loop via Preston Road, Exeter Grove and Bilsdale Grove back to Southcoates Lane. This removes the link to Morrisons and reduces a section of Marfleet Lane to school/college services only. 

Timetable wise, the 16 remains hourly Monday to Saturday daytimes. The 0640 from Preston Road - replacing the previous 0700 from Morrisons, now runs on Saturdays as well as Monday to Friday. The Monday to Friday 1606 and 1706 'shorts' from the Siemens factory to Hull Interchange are withdrawn, but the replacement for the Saturday 1650 from Morrisons - a 1640 from Preston Road - now operates Monday to Saturday. There is also a new 1740 from Preston Road to the Interchange Monday to Saturday.